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How do I obtain access to book Hotels through
You are able to use the same login and password to access our Net Hotel Rates that you would use to book your Huntington Airfare. Visit us at and click on Hotels. If you do not have a login and password to access our online Airfare engine please click here to sign up today.
Can I book Hotels over the telephone with Huntington Travel Group?
Huntington Travel Group prefers that you book Hotels online through to ensure access to your files. Our Hotel Desk is available from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (Mon-Fri) EST to assist with any technical inquiries that you may have, we are also able to assist you with making a booking through our Hotel Desk directly should you encounter any difficulties.
Are Huntington Travel Groups prices inclusive of all taxes?
Yes, our prices include all applicable Hotel taxes. On some occasions, however, there may be certain Hotels requiring local or resort fees to be paid upon arrival. Bank service charges on credit card payments or cheque clearance charges are also included in our prices.
Can Hotel Bookings be held on option?
Yes, typically Huntington Hotels can be held on option for up to 7 days provided that the check-in date is beyond that time period.
Is there an advance purchase requirement to book Huntington Travel Group Hotels?
No there is no advance purchase requirement but it depends on the rate type.
How do I sort my search results?
Simply enter in your search criteria, click on search and your Hotel results will display. To the left of your screen there will be an adjust search section where you can use the drop down menu at the bottom to sort by Hotel Name, Price and Star Rating.
When will I receive my Hotel voucher?
Hotel vouchers are provided immediately to the agent (online) once full payment is applied to the booking.
What if I do not receive my Hotel voucher?
If you do not receive your Hotel voucher immediately after payment has been applied please email our Hotel Department at or contact us at 905-820-2266.
Why on occasion are there identical Hotel properties with different prices shown?
Occasionally when searching for a Hotel you may find 2 identical Hotels with 2 different prices. Hotels Rates are provided to Huntington from various suppliers, in these cases each Hotel rate is offered by a different supplier.
Who do I contact regarding a complaint for a Hotel stay booked through Huntington Travel Group?
Any complaints, claims or refunds on accommodation should be sent in writing to Huntington Travel Group within 14 business days of the actual date of such occurrence.
Note* Hotel grading, descriptions & fast fact sheets provided under Huntington Travel Group are developed by our supplier and are valid and accurate at the time of booking. However, Huntington Travel Group or its suppliers assume no responsibility for any changes in grading, amenities or facilities at Hotels that have taken place without prior notice or knowledge.
Can I cancel my Hotel Booking if I have already applied payment?
Yes a booking can be cancelled after payment is made depending on the cancellation policy mentioned at the time of booking. No refund is due for non refundable rates. For all other rate levels there will be a $50.00 administrative fee per booking plus any other cancellation penalty applicable if the booking is cancelled before the cancellation deadline. If the booking is cancelled after this date it will be non refundable.
Do I receive Gift Card's for Hotels booked through Huntington Travel Group?
Yes, Huntington Travel Group offers Visa Rewards for any hotel bookings with a value of $100 net or more.
$5 HUNT* Rewards for Hotel bookings of $100 – $249 net $10 HUNT* Rewards for Hotel bookings of $250 – $599 net $15 HUNT* Rewards for Hotel bookings of $600 – $999 net $20 HUNT* Rewards for Hotel bookings of $1000 – $1499 net $25 HUNT* Rewards for Hotel bookings of $1500 – $1999 net $30 HUNT* Rewards for Hotel bookings of $2000 – $2499 net $40 HUNT* Rewards for Hotel bookings of $2500+ net
Agents who wish to choose Gift Cards can select from Sears, Petro, HBC or Walmart – please note that gift cards may not be substituted for Visa Rewards in denominations of $5 (example: $5, $15, $25 etc). Only Hotel bookings made through Huntington Travel Group are eligible for reward points. Unfortunately, at this time Visa Rewards and Gift Cards will not be awarded for bookings made through
How many Hotels does Huntington Travel Group offer?
Huntington Travel Group offers 100,000 Net Hotel Rates worldwide.
Are the currencies relevant to the country the Hotel is booked in?
All Huntington Travel Hotel prices are in CAD for Canadian agents and USD for USA agents.
Are Huntington Travel Group's prices inclusive of all taxes?
Yes, our prices include all applicable Hotel taxes. On some occasions, however, there may be certain Hotels requiring local or resort fees to be paid upon arrival. Bank service charges on credit card payments or cheque clearance charges are also included in our prices.
What methods of payment does Huntington Travel Groupaccept for Hotel Bookings?
Payments can be made by cheque or all major credit cards are accepted.
How do I get more information on a Hotel offered through Huntington Travel Group?
For further information on any Hotel you are able to click on More Info located beside the initial description of the property.
What if my client has lost their Hotel Voucher?
A client must carry a fully pre-paid Hotel voucher for any Hotel bookings made under Huntington Travel Group and your client must present this voucher to the Hotel to be entitled for the services. Hotels will not provide accommodation for those clients not holding an official Travel/Hotel voucher from Huntington Travel Group. No exceptions will be made under any circumstances. Please contact our Hotel Desk at or 905-820-2266 or 1-800-563-8939 if you have lost or misplaced a Hotel voucher.
Can I create my own Hotel voucher to give to my client?
No, Hotel vouchers issued by the Travel agent will not be accepted for any Hotels booked through Huntington.
How do I find my previous bookings or bookings currently on hold?
Log onto Huntington Travel Group Hotels and in the upper right hand corner click on My Bookings. Here you will be able to view any reservations that are on hold or that have been paid. Note* To locate your Booking by Booking Number you will need to enter the Huntington Travel Group Booking Number and NOT the Provider Confirmation Number.
Can my client obtain a refund or credit if he/she does not complete their full Hotel stay?
No, fully or partially unutilized Hotel accommodation or meals are 100% non-refundable.
Can I change my Hotel booking after payment is applied?
Not all rate types allow amendments. In some cases the booking will have to be cancelled and rebooked at the new rate level.No change is allowed on non refundable rates. For all other rate levels changes have to be done before the cancellation penalty deadline. An amendment fee of CAD $50.00 per person per Hotel is applied for any changes made to the existing bookings that are confirmed and vouchers have been issued. Also, any additional charges that the Hotel may impose will apply.
How do I know what the Check-in and Check-out times are for a Hotel?
Check-in and Check-out times vary with each Hotel. It is the Agent’s responsibility to remind guests that their Check-in time is generally 3-4 pm and Check-out time is between 11 am – 12 noon.
I have called the Hotel directly and they cannot locate my booking, what do I do?
Certain Hotels will have a record of all guest reservations by name and can easily locate your booking when you call in, others however, do not release a guest name list until in some cases 24 hours prior to the guest checking in. In this case the Hotel will not have a record of your booking but merely a room blocked or reserved.